Coming Soon To POPS

Coming Soon To POPS

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Batman:The Dark Knight Rises (before review)

Batman: The Dark Knight Rises is a great looking film, but is it worth the money? We will soon find out. The plot takes place in Gotham City, eight years after Batman defeats The Two-Faced villan Harvey Dent. A new villan, someone called Bane (played by Tom Hardy) rises up against Batman, who at this point has been chased into exile for taking the blame for Two-Face's crimes. The mysterious arrival of a new character known as Selina Kyle a.k.a Catwoman (played by Anne Hathaway) suddenly sets off a chain reaction of occurances, leading to the arrival of Bane, an extreme terrorist who only wants one thing, to destroy Gotham City. With the fate of Gotham City in his hands, Batman is forced out of his exile to rise up against the evil and save the city.
The Film is directed by Christopher Nolan (also known for the other two Batman films and Inception)
I can say that there will be a selection of new characters, played by great actors such as: Tom Hardy, Anne Hathaway, Liam Neeson, Daniel Sunjata, and more.

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